Friday, June 21, 2013

I hate GoDaddy, I mean HATE

I had purchased multiple domain names through GoDaddy over the last 10 years. I had run Joomla & Drupal Websites for at least a dozen sites. At first they sucked due to all kinds of memory allocation errors. After many many calls to tech support finally they got it to work slightly better.

We are a start-up company and had several secure sites to demo. Actual sites of importance ran on dedicated IP outside but kept GoDaddy for public sites. I purchased SSL for $70/year and pointed to 3 sites. We could never get the SSLs redirecting even after following all of their assistance. They lied, gave bad instructions, tell me one support doesn't know, you got to do something else. Then the next support guy tell us to do something completely opposite.

Then they say they can't help with scripting yet their website says their url redirect tool automatically enters the .htaccess file code! Meanwhile still didn't work and after 6 long, tiring months and losing bank clients for not having SSL.

I complained. How did GoDaddy reply? They yanked my accounts!
If you are small business and running Drupal never ever ever use GoDaddy, they nearly cost us our business!

I know they advertise and hire NASCAR race drivers and all sorts of pretty faces to market them. The reason they need to is to offset their horrible customer service.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

760AM KGU Broadcast Live with Alan Rudo

The Future of Mobile Shopping. Tech Talk Hawaii, featured founder Alan Rudo of CheckSavvy, on the Friday broadcast. Host Attila Seress and Alan discussed a new report released December 31, 2012 by eMarketer.

According to eMarkerter: "When a GfK Roper ( poll conducted for agency SapientNitro ( asked smartphone owners how they used their devices for holiday shopping, higher percentages said yes to every activity queried than did so last year. More than eight in 10 smartphone owners researched and browsed for products on their phone, up 15 percentage points from 2011, and nearly three-quarters bought something via mobile, up 19 percentage points."

Attila and Alan discussed four key segments including: In-store mobile activities, what this means for Hawaii merchants, the security risks and downside; the future of mobile shopping transactions and what CheckSavvy offers.

The trends show people are researching the products and prices of competitors, looking for mobile coupons and retail offers, using QR codes to find product info and using GPS to find locations. Mobile shopping is growing.

According to the report, "The fastest growth in 2012 came from North America, especially the US, where mobile search and display ad spending was up 220%. Spending doubled in the Middle East and Africa, from a very small base, while growth in the rest of the world’s regions was below average. In Asia-Pacific, spending was up a comparatively small 40%. In emerging markets, however, growth was booming. Mobile ad spending in China was up 138%, and Indonesia and India each enjoyed 110% growth rates."

This represent an exciting time for CheckSavvy for enabling tools.

A look behind the studios

Thank you Think Tech Hawaii for the invitation.

For more information contact:

Alan Rudo
CheckSavvy, Inc.
2800 Woodlawn Drive, Suite 101,
Honolulu, HI 96822

Sunday, November 18, 2012

It's official: CheckSavvy, Inc - moves into Manoa Innovation Center - Honolulu

Hawaii's High Tech Development Corporation (HTDC) accepted CheckSavvy Inc. into the Manoa Innovation Center in Honolulu, where CheckSavvy will be developing YehPay is a mobile payment app. This opens the facility's resources to us along with incredible contacts. If you'd like to view the facility or its resources, please see: Our official new mailing contact information will be: CheckSavvy, Inc., Manoa Innovation Center, 2800 Woodlawn Drive, Suite 101, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 Aloha, Alan Rudo -- --- Alan Rudo Founder & Interim CEO CheckSavvy, Inc.


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Crazy Mash Apps

You've asked so here they are. Our blog of Crazy Mash Apps.

Check regularly

Foursquare World of Goo Demo

10. Crazy Mash App: FourSquare & World of Goo

Aliens InvasionStrip Poker - Fan Edition #3
9. Crazy Mash App: Alien Invasion & Strip Poker

The Art of Rap Angry Birds
8. Crazy Mash App: The Art of Rap & Angry Birds

Samurai Rush Minecraft - Pocket Ed. Demo
7. Crazy Mash App: Samurai Rush  & Minecraft

 Grand Theft Auto IIISmurfs' Village
6. Crazy Mash App: Grand Theft Auto & Smurf Village
Sextube Sex Chat and Search  AT&T Visual Voicemail
5. Crazy Mash App: Sextube Sex Chat & Visual Voicemail

Bills Reminder PAC-MAN Championship Ed. Demo

4. Crazy Mash App: PacMan Champion & Bill Pay Reminder - Try to pay your bills before eating all the reminder.

Hungry SharkAsk a Lawyer: Legal Help
3. Crazy Mash App: Hungry Shark & Ask a Lawyer Legal Help. Need we say more?

GoWidget Star Trek Theme FreeEmergency Alert

2. Crazy Mash App: StarTrek Communicator - Emergency Alert. "This is an emergency alert... "Beam Me Up Scotty."

My TracksFartDroid Fart Machine

1. Crazy Mashable App: My Tracks & FartDroid Fart Machine so you can track your toots and share tracks with friends & family!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

CheckSavvy Launches Indiegogo Project

Hilo, Hawai`i, August 12, 2012. Local startup CheckSavvy launched a project on at hoping to raise $25,000 to launch their unique secure IVR and SMS services. "With Interactive Voice Response, we can ensure delivery of payment alerts," stated Rudo, the company's founder and Interim CEO.

A video on the site provides an overview of their QR code-based system for the payment card, called the Aloha One Card, the first of its kind. "We also feature one that works entirely over the mobile phone, no card needed," Rudo stated. "Merchants love this, we have 5 to 10 merchants signing up everyday  online and we haven't ramped up marketing yet," he continued.

When asked how the funds would be spent, Rudo replied, "The funds will allow us to acquire and configure the secure-dedicated servers, one for Interactive Voice Response (IVR) and the other for secure text messaging (SMS)." In addition, Rudo explained that they run their servers in tandem with multiple cross checks for security. "No card numbers are stored on our system, and we use IVR to approve transactions with SMS handling the discounts. Clever little system," Rudo added.

CheckSavvy, Inc. is a Hawaii-based hi-tech startup specializing in mobile payment security & discounts. "We make mobile payments safer, convenient and fun."

Thursday, August 9, 2012

See It Here First - CheckSavvy's Face to Face

Hilo, Hawai`i, 08-09-2012 - Local hi-tech firm CheckSavvy, Inc. provided a sneak preview of their Face-to-Face App for online and offline payments. Founder, Alan Rudo stated merchants simply scan the QR code displayed on your phone. "It's like shaking hands, but no card numbers are exchanged. Sensitive data is exchanged behind the scenes over secure servers. It's fast, it's safe and it's actually fun."

Rudo also explained that CheckSavvy customers can sign up merchants and vice versa. "We're positioning this to go viral," he stated. "We also worked it backwards to provide a shopping cart version to speed up the online checkout process," Rudo added. He stated Face-to-Face has to be perfected in Hawai`i before releasing in the app store.

Go Square-Less and forget the Square.

Go Square-Less and forget the Square. Go Square-Less and forget the Square.