Monday, June 4, 2012

Beware Flame!

The first clue of trouble, "Boomerangs a reality in cyberwar," by Richard Lardner of Associated Press was published in the Sunday paper. If it were in the back of Monday's paper, it was meant to be missed.

Mums the word

I've followed Stuxnet on as events unfolded in Iran. It took two weeks to hit the U.S. press and only after a Canadian team of antivirus programmers published any concerns. The U.S.was good at keeping the news under the radar.

Stuxnet is the infamous virus allegedly developed by U.S. & Israel, (both deny any involvement) to disrupt the Iranian nuclear infrastructure. For months reports trickled out Iran of bases suddenly exploding and these attacks have been linked to Stuxnet virus. At the time, only the Canadians warned that that hens may come home to roost. According to "Boomerangs," it appears they may have.


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