Friday, June 8, 2012

Hawaii, Global Test Bed Without Relocating

Rich Diversity

A search online for the most diverse state in the U.S. will yield results like California, Texas and New York. Actually Hawaii is the most racially integrated state in the U.S. But as usual, many forget Hawaii is actually part of the 50 states. I still get callers that says, “Hi, I'm calling from the U.S...”
According to the U.S. Census Bureau 2010, Hawaii is the only state where whites are in the minority at 24.7%, just under a quarter of the population.

Quick Breakdown:

  • White persons, percent, 24.7%
  • Black persons, percent, 1.6%
  • American Indian and Alaska Native persons, percent, 0.3%
  • Asian persons, percent, 38.6%
  • Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, percent, 10.0%
  • Persons reporting two or more races, percent, 23.6%
  • Persons of Hispanic or Latino origin, percent, 8.9%
  • White persons not Hispanic, percent, 22.7%

Travel Destination

Located in the middle of the Pacific with it's endless beaches, temperate weather and wild terrain, Hawaii is a renowned international travel destination. Monthly tourism reports people arriving daily from all corners of the globe. This diversity makes Hawaii one of the best locations for testing products, services and advertising campaigns with an global perspective without the expense of relocating overseas.

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