Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Google Wallet Easily Cracked?

Around the web you see news reports that Google Wallet has been Hacked. One article recently, "Google Wallet PIN security cracked in seconds," demonstrated how did. There are videos demonstrating it too.

According to a researcher at zvelo, they discovered Google Wallet's PIN protection was susceptible to a brute-force attack. It took only seconds to beat their security. What is worse is that it appears Google is powerless to fix the problem

The Vulnerability 

The researchers were able to create a matching PIN by hashing all 10,000 possible numbers, which takes a few seconds and there is a video online showing this.


For protection, a privacy-oriented payment card designed specifically for mobile wallet offers a better security solution. CheckSavvy Inc and Aloha One Card. have joined forces to offer a mobile app-card combination that provides the complete security solution. The card is a rechargeable, debit card for use independent of other cards, bank accounts, etc. The mobile app let's you lock and unlock the card as well as limit access to the software.

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