With so many visitors trekking around
our major cities from around the globe, isn't it about time we see
multilingual coupons? I'm not talking about walking into a
Vietnamese-owned store and not being able to read a word of any the
advertisements. Article at http://www.alohaonecard.com
As a store owner, I want to offer my
discounts to as wide a customer base as possible. With Google
Translate, Babel Fish and other online translation services getting
better, this is now a real possibility.
In Hawaii, we see visitors from around
the world, speaking a multitude of languages. And while Chinese,
Japanese, Filipino and Vietanemse are challenging languages, Hawaii
businesses face visitors from Yap, Chuuk, and other pacific islands
where translation services are hard to come by.
Partnering with students from the
University of Hawaii's Center for Interpretation and Translation
Service, AlohaOneCard has been developing multilingual coupons that
can translate into over 50 languages on the fly. In addition, we are
developing a quick entry system for merchants to post coupons online
and get them seen.
Our Multilingual Coupon Project:
- Daily specials
- Reward points
- Today only deals
- Buy-one, get ½ off
- Discount savings
We'd love to hear from other retail merchants
Here is your chance to assist in the development. We are looking for input on what you would like to see:
- Easy coupon creation/entry tool
- Multilingual coupons
- Web interactivity
- Text alerts, Wi-fi, or QR code notification
- Nearby Communications for in-store notification
Tell us what you'd like!
Please contact us to let us know your detailed preferences by contacting us at:
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