Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Merchant Daily Special

While we are use to reading the daily special on the lunch board at our favorite local eatery, until recently there wasn't a good way for many businesses to market their daily specials to loyal customers. Today there is an array of tools to help spread the word:

  • Email Notification – Many businesses find that providing email notifications is convenient and easy. Customers can sign up and receive notifications right to their inbox.

  • Text Notification – So many people text, who has time to check their email? Well sending text broadcast may take a little more research to setup but can be an excellent way to stay in touch, especially the younger crowd.

  • Tweet – Twitter is an excellent and simple way to spread the word to your daily special and cost only the time to write the 140 words or less ad.

  • Blog – Why not keep a blog running of the daily specials? Share a recipe or some of the ingredients. Have the chef provide some succulent details from their day in the kitchen. Blogs can be excellent way to engage consumers and keep turn them in loyal repeat customers.
Daily specials are not reserved for restaurants as a wide array of businesses have discovered the marketing advantage of offering a daily special. All of the tools noted are often available for free as a plugin for your website or for a nominal fee as standalone software. Either way, offering daily specials will pay dividends.

Bon Appetit!

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